How a narcissist keep pulling you back


Have you ever found yourself constantly drawn back to a former partner or friend who exhibits narcissistic behavior? You know that being around them is toxic and draining, yet something about their charm and manipulation makes it difficult to break away completely.

Photo by Vlad Rudkov on Unsplash

This article will explore the various tactics a narcissist uses to keep pulling you back in, and provide advice on how to finally break free from their grip.

They know what you like and what makes you feel good, so they use this knowledge to their advantage. They may bring you thoughtful gifts or send you sweet messages just to keep you hooked.

Even when things start to go wrong, a narcissist knows how to manipulate a situation in their favor. They may twist the truth or make you doubt your own feelings and perceptions. They use your weaknesses against you and make you feel like you need them in your life.

And just when you think you’re done with a narcissist, they have a way of pulling you back in. They may apologize profusely or promise to change, only to repeat the same patterns of behavior later on. It’s this endless cycle of charm and manipulation that can keep you in the narcissist’s grasp for far too long.

The cycle of abuse and apologies

At some point, the narcissist will sense that their partner is pulling away, and that’s when the apologies start. The narcissist will use their charm to make their partner believe that they are remorseful and will change their ways. They may even promise to seek help or counseling. This creates a sense of hope in the partner, and they are pulled back into the relationship.

Photo by Sebastián León Prado on Unsplash

But this cycle of abuse and apologies is never-ending. The narcissist may change temporarily, but they will soon revert to their old ways, and the partner is once again subjected to the same abusive behavior. The narcissist will continue to apologize, but they never truly change.

The reason a narcissist keeps pulling their partner back into this cycle is that they need to feel in control of the relationship. They cannot handle rejection or abandonment, so they use apologies as a way to manipulate their partner into staying with them. It’s essential for anyone stuck in this cycle to seek help from a therapist or professional to break free from the narcissist’s grip and start healing from the abuse.

Gaslighting and manipulation

Manipulation is another tactic used by narcissists. They may use charm, flattery, and love bombing to initially draw the victim in, but then use guilt, shame, and fear to keep them under their control. They may also isolate the victim from their friends and family, making them rely solely on the narcissist for emotional support.

One of the most insidious ways a narcissist keeps their victim under their control is through “hoovering.” This involves the narcissist pulling the victim back into the relationship after they have ended it or after a period of separation. They may apologize and promise to change, or they may use threats or intimidation to coerce the victim into coming back. Once they have the victim back, they will often revert to their old behaviors and continue the cycle of abuse.

It can be difficult to break free from a narcissist’s grasp, as they are skilled at manipulating and gaslighting their victims.

Breaking the cycle and moving forward

One of the most challenging aspects of breaking free from a narcissist is that they have a way of making their victims feel guilty and responsible for their actions. Narcissists are experts at deflecting blame and making others feel like they are the problem. This can create a sense of confusion and self-doubt, which makes it difficult to move forward.

Despite the challenges, it is possible to break the cycle and move forward. The first step is to recognize that you are in a toxic situation and that the dynamics of the relationship are not healthy.

It’s important to set boundaries and to stick to them. Narcissists will push your boundaries, and it’s essential to remain firm in your decisions. Cut off all contact with the narcissist if possible, or limit contact to essential matters only.

It’s also crucial to focus on self-care and self-love. Take time to nurture yourself and engage in activities that bring you joy. Remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, and do not let the narcissist’s actions define your worth. Breaking the cycle and moving forward is possible, and it’s a necessary step towards healing and finding happiness.

Thank you for reading :)

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